- Organisation (together with dr. Jeanette den Toonder, assistant coordinator Nannie de Graaf and Loura Kruger) Summer School Stories of Cultural Conflict and Encounter. Transmitting and Writing New Identities 22 - 26 August 2022, Groningen ONLINE
- Organisation (together with dr. Jeanette den Toonder, assistant coordinator Nannie de Graaf and Maria Méndez) Summer School Beyond Horizons. Transmitting and Writing New Identities of Minorities and Migrants in and Beyond Europe. 15 - 20 August 2021, Groningen ONLINE
In 2021 a hybrid summer school Beyond Horizons will be held, see https://www.rug.nl/education/summer-winter-schools/beyond-horizons/?lang=en
- Theme Group Beyond Borders in Cultural Transfer Studies, session on Literary Prizes and Cultural Transfer (Convenors Petra Broomans, Mathijs Sanders, Jeanette den Toonder), OSL Research Day, Groningen, 11 October 2019.
- Organisation (together with J. den Toonder; assistant coordinator N. de Graaff) and participation Summer School Beyond Horizons. Transmitting and Writing New Identities of Minorities and Migrants in and Beyond Europe. 18 - 24 August 2019, Groningen
- Organisation together with Barbara Schaff, 4th U4 Workshop, "Concepts and Tools in Cultural Transfer Research. Case: Travel Writing", Göttingen University, Göttingen, 16-17 May 2019.
- Organization together with Jeanette den Toonder and Mathijs Sanders of the second panel on Literary Awards and Literary Translation Prizes, Theme Group Beyond Horizons in Cultural Transfer Studies, Groningen, 27 March 2019.
- Theme Group Beyond Borders in Cultural Transfer Studies, session on "Transgressing borders: mediating and negotiating cultures. The quintessence of cultural transfer" (Convenors: Petra Broomans, Mathijs Sanders, Jeanette den Toonder), OSL Research Day, Groningen, 12 October, 2018.
- Organisation (together with J. den Toonder), First seminar 'Literary Awards and Literary Translation Prizes', Theme Group 'Beyond Horizons in Cultural Transfer Studies (Arts in Society), 26-09-2018, Groningen.
- Organisation (together with J. den Toonder; assistant coordinator N. de Graaff) and participation Summer School Beyond Horizons. Transmitting and Writing New Identities of Minorities and Migrants in and Beyond Europe. 18 - 23 June 2017, Groningen.
- Co-organisation of the Interdisciplinary U4 Summer School in Gender Studies, Göttingen 15-20 August 2016. See: http://www.u4network.eu/index.php/news/1022-interdisciplinary-summer-school-in-gender-studies-goettingen-15-20-august-2016
- Organisation (chair) of Transition between 'the Nordic countries' and 'Europe' (Transit Norden och Europa). Thirty-first conference of the International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS) from 9 to 13 August 2016 in Groningen, the Netherlands. Hosted by the Scandinavian Studies section of the Department of European Languages and Cultures (ETC). See for information, program and literary events the conference website: www.rug.nl/let/iassgroningen2016
- Organisation (together with J. den Toonder; assistant coordinator N. de Graaff) and participation Summer School Beyond Horizons. Transmitting and Writing New Identities of Minorities and Migrants in Europe. 12 - 17 June 2016, Groningen.
- Organisation (together with Dag Blanck, Margaretha Fahlgren, Anna Williams) and participation The Dynamics and Contexts of Cultural Transfers. Second U4 workshop, Uppsala 3-4 December 2015
- Organisation (together with J. den Toonder and D. Reichardt) and participation Summer School Beyond Horizons. Transmitting and Writing New Identities of Minorities and Migrants in Europe. 21- 26 June 2015, Groningen. O
- Organisation and participation Concepts and Tools in Cultural Transfer Research U4 workshop, Groningen 11-12 December 2014
- Participation U4 Workshop "Future perspectives of Gender Studies in research and teaching, Göttingen, 17.-19.10.2014
- Organisation (together with J. den Toonder and D. Reichardt) and participation Summer School Beyond Horizons. Transmitting and Writing New Identities. Strategies and Empowerment of Minorities and Migrants in Europe. 29 June- 5 July 2014, Groningen.
- Travelling Ideas in the long nineteenth century, Groningen 3 December (together with M. Janssen, J. Klok, L. Kruiger, K. Smits).
- Participation in ´Focusgroep valorisatie in de sociale en geesteswetenschappen´, Rathenau Instituut, The Hague, 25 November, NWO.
- Strindberg in Transition, Symposium Strindberg 2012, Groningen, 11 December (together with J. Klok, M. Norde, N. de Graaff, A.M. de Groot, I. Kroon, L. Kruiger).
- Literaire Poolnacht 2012, Groningen 16 October, Arctic Centre and Scandinavian Studies, University of Groningen. Organizing committee: Nienke Boschman, Petra Broomans, Anne Maartje de Groot, Annet Keuning, Janke Klok, Kirsten Kolstrup, Annette Scheepstra, Tekke Terpstra.
- Symposium Peripheral Autonomy/Survival Strategies of Small Language Communities 25-26 november 2010 (i.s.m. C. Gooskens, J. Klok, M. Norde)
- Cultural Transfer and Minor Language Areas, Groningen, 5-6 november, 2008 (i.s.m. R. van Elswijk, G. Jensma, E. Jiresch en J. Klok)
- Workshop 'The Invasion of Books'. The Influence of Foreign Literature on Small Language Communities 1950-present day, in Uppsala, 1-2 October 2008, third workshop of the project Peripheral Autonomy? Longitudinal analyses of cultural transfer in the literary fields of small language communities, an internationalization project of the Groningen Research School for the Study of the Humanities together with the universities of Ghent and Uppsala (i.s.m. M. Fahlgren, M. Ronne)
- Workshop The Development of Literary Fields and the Influence of Foreign Literature from the late 19th Century until 1950 in Groningen 6-7 December 2007, on cultural transfer from the late 19th Century until 1950. Second workshop of the project Peripheral Autonomy? Longitudinal analyses of cultural transfer in the literary fields of small language communities, an internationalization project of the Groningen Research School for the Study of the Humanities together with the universities of Ghent and Uppsala. (i.s.m. M. Ronne, E. Jiresch)
- Linnæus and the Environment, Yesterday and Today, Groningen, 7-8 november, 2007 (i.s.m. E. de Bot,N. Boschman, L. Hacquebord, A. Swanson)
- Stemmen uit IJsland, Groningen, 21-25 mei, 2007 (i.s.m. R. van Elswijk, J. Klok)
- Workshop Reflection on Theoretical and Methodological Points of Departure in Ghent 1-2 December 2006, first workshop of the project Peripheral Autonomy? Longitudinal analyses of cultural transfer in the literary fields of small language communities, an internationalization project of the Groningen Research School for the Study of the Humanities together with the universities of Ghent and Uppsala (i.s.m. D. Vandenhaute en M. Ronne).
- Staging, Images and Poetics- from a Transatlantic Perspective. Valedictory symposium in honour of Prof. dr. Alan Swanson, Groningen, 30-31 oktober 2006 (i.s.m. J.Klok en H. van der Liet)
- OGWG-workshop: The Making of a Profession. Women as Cultural Transmitters in the Dutch-speaking region and Scandinavia 1880-1950, Groningen, 5-6 oktober 2006 (together with Ester Jiresch (RUGroningen), Marta Ronne (University of Uppsala) - Groningen Research School for the Study of the Humanities (GRSSH)
The project Scandinavian literature in Europe: the influence of language politics, gender and aesthetics will deal in its second workshop with the importance of gender to cultural transfer in the Dutch-speaking region and in Scandinavia in the period 1880-ca.1950. The first workshop `Ethnolinguistic nationalism in the Dutch-speaking region and Scandinavia' was held from 18-20 May 2005.
- OGWG-workshop: Ethnolinguistic nationalism in the Dutch-speaking region and Scandinavia, Groningen, 18-20 mei 2005 (i.s.m. G. Jensma, H. Vandevoorde, M. van Ginderachter
- Symposium: Object: Nederlandse literatuur in het buitenland. Methode: Onbekend. Vormen van methodologisch onderzoek naar de receptie van literatuur uit het Nederlandse taalgebied, Groningen, 29 oktober 2004 (i.s.m. A. Bay, S. Linn, M. Vogel, S. van Voorst)
- Symposium over Johan Ludvig Runeberg i.s.m. de afdeling Finoegristiek, 14 oktober 2004
- Symposium Het Noordse theater. Theater als uiting van culturele verandering, 17-19 maart 2004 (i.s.m. C. Gooskens, A. Swanson)
- Organisatie van thematische sessie Transmission of literature and the changing of a national literary image, The International Conference Cultural Crises in Art and Literature. Reflection and Reaction, Groningen, 20-23 november 2002
- 22eScandinavistendagen van het Nederlandse Taalgebied in Gent, Språkkontakt och kulturmöte, 18-19 april 2002 (i.s.m. G. Laureys)
- Vertaalsymposium in Groningen, georganiseerd door het Zweeds Instituut (Stockholm), de Zweedse ambassade (Den Haag) en de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2001
- Röster om Stina Aronson, seminar over Stina Aronson i.s.m. dr. B. Holm, Uppsala, november 1995
- Edith Södergran - A Changing Image. Looking for a new perspective on the work of the Finnish avantgarde poet Edith Södergran, i.s.m. J. Kronig en A. van der Hoeven, Groningen, mei 1992
- The modern institution (een seminar over management binnen de universiteit op facultair en afdelingsniveau) in samenwerking met de UHÄ (de Zweedse VSNU) en Dienst Onderwijs Onderzoek en Planning (DOOP), Groningen, oktober 1989