Summer 2024
New project: Biography of Cora Polet (1930-2016). The book will be written in Dutch.
Wie is Cora Polet?
Portret van een vechtlustige vertalerspersoonlijkheid (voorlopige titel)
Looptijd 2024-2028
Spring 2023
Start of the project Voices of Women (VOW). VOW is an Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in Higher Education project lead by Professor Bettina Smith in collaboration with Associate professor Friederike Wildschulz and Associate professor Lise K Meling. The VOW is a joint project with The University of Stavanger, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, University of Groningen en the University of Music Franz Listz Weimar. The scholars in Groningen involved in the project are Petra Broomans, Janke Klok and Kristin McGee. See also: Erasmus+ subsidie voor stemmen van vrouwen in de muziek | News | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (
August 2022
Summer School Stories of Cultural Conflict and Encounter. Transmitting and Writing New Identities 21-26 August 2022 in Groningen (Hybrid:online and in Groningen)
See for more information:
November 2021
New volume Studies Cultural Transfer & Transmission series
Petra Broomans, Mathijs Sanders, Jeanette den Toonder (eds.) Assistant editor: Elise Bijl, Literary Prizes and Cultural Transfer. vol 9 in the series Studies on Cultural Transfer and Transmission (CTaT), Barkhuis Publishing, Groningen, 2021.
Announcement: Symposium Translators' lexicon for the Dutch-speaking region (VNLex)
On 4 November the Dutch Translators' Lexicon will be presented to a wider audience with a festive symposium in Groningen. The Translators' Lexicon, which already enjoys some fame among scholars and students, aims to make Dutch cultural mediators visible and thus provide insight into the role of translators and translations in the literary and cultural life of the Dutch-speaking region and its history. Some twenty translator portraits and six lemmas on translation awards have now been published on
November 4, the day of presentation, also marks the end of the university career of the initiator of the Translators' Lexicon for the Dutch-speaking region, Petra Broomans. Since 1984 she has been affiliated with the University of Groningen (RUG) in various positions, in addition to being a visiting professor at Ghent University. She developed a line of research in the field of cultural mediation and with her enthusiasm and expertise she succeeded in setting up the Dutch Translators' Lexicon and providing it with a solid and attractive foundation. In 2020, Uppsala University awarded her an honorary doctorate. Symposium and farewell will take place on:
Date: Thursday, 4 November 2021
Time: 1:00 - approx. 6:30 p.m.
Location: UB Groningen, Jantina Tammeszaal
See for more:
August 2021
The sixth (hybrid) edition of the Summer School 'Beyond Horizons. Transmitting and Wrting New Identities of Minorities and Migrants in and Beyond Europe' will be held in August 2021. See for more information:
February 2021
First lecture after that the lockdowns and travel restrictions became part of academia!
Via ZOOM 'The Forgotten Agency of Women Cultural Transmitters in Historical Perspective'. Course: "Nordics and the World: Cultural Encounters and Political Transfers", University of Helsinki, 11-02-2021. Organized by Jana Lainto.
December 2020
Honored to be part of the jury Groningen City Poet 2021-2013; see
July 2020
Elected Treasurer General FILLM Committee.
The International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures (FILLM) is the official international body which represents the study of language and literature as research-based scholarly disciplines in universities and tertiary higher education institutions world-wide.
March 2020
Last conference before the pandemia !: Northern Europe, Migration and the Questions of Identity. 5-6 March 2020, Charles University, Prague.
January 2020
- On 31th of January Conferment Ceremony Honorary Doctorate at Uppsala University
On 30th of January Lecture at the Department of Literature / Faculty of Arts: "Att forska i kulturförmedlingens historia: om översättare och forskare",
- Appointed member to the Jury Filter Translation Prize 2020 (see:
November 2019
Contributor to (ISSN 2597-016X), part of the University Hub Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World
See my articles on ballet in the Nordics:
September 2019
August 2019
A new edition of the UoG Summer School 'Beyond Horizons - Migrant and Minorities Literature. Transmitting and Writing New Identities' will take place from August 19 to August 23 2019 in Groningen.See for more information the website:
August 2018
Interdisciplinary U4 Summer School in Gender Studies: theme "Methods, Methodologies and Ethics: Complexities and Responsibilities in Doing Gender Research" in Uppsala July 30 - August 3, 2018.
July 2018
July 16th - July 19th: elected to participate in the University Immersion Program (UIP) at the Sichuan University, Chengdu (China). One course: 'Literary Prizes and Awards in the Cultural Transfer of World Literature'. Inspiring expericience!
April 2018
Happy to be granted the ius promovendi !
June 2018
The fifth edition of the UoG Summer School 'Beyond Horizons. Transmitting and Writing New Identities of Minorities and Migrants in and Beyond Europe' will take place from June 17 to June 22 2018 in Groningen. See the impression:
July 2017
July 2th - July 16th: elected to participate in the University Immersion Program (UIP) at the Sichuan University, Chengdu (China). Two courses: 'Cultural Transfer History Approaches and Tools' and 'Great Poems and how they become World Literature'. Inspiring!
June 2017
14-15th of June NIAS Workshop 'Women Writers in History: National and Transnational Approaches', NIAS, Amsterdam, see:
March 2017
21-03-2017 interview on BRT Radio 1 (from min. 45) about the support of the Norwegian Sámi Parliament to the protest of the First Nations in the USA against the Dakota pipeline, BRT Radio 1
14-03-2017 Elected Assistant-Secretaries General FILLM ((=The International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures) Committee March 2017
January 2017
Good news! The software of the Dutch translators' dictionary has been installed by IT technicans of the University Library Groningen. See for more information 'Work in Progress'
November 2016
- Member of the panel on translation bibliographies and digital humanities. Royal Library, Stockholm, 08-11-2016, see:
September 2016
- One month stay as LOTUS2 Scholarship holder (Erasmus Mundus Action 2 scholarship) at the Sichuan University (China) to develop collaboration within the field of cultural transfer studies, translation studies and European languages and cultures together with colleagues at the Sichuan University.
The LOTUS 2 project is funded by the European Commission and awards scholarships to excellent researchers from Asia and Europe to complete an exchange at one of nine universities in Europe or one of seven universities in South Asia.
August 2016
- Interdisciplinary U4 Summer School in Gender Studies, Göttingen 15-20 August 2016. See:
- Transition between 'the Nordic countries' and 'Europe' (Transit Norden och Europa). Thirty-first conference of the International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS) from 9 to 13 August 2016 in Groningen, the Netherlands. Hosted by the Scandinavian Studies section of the Department of European Languages and Cultures (ETC). See for information, program and literary events the conference website:
- 12 August short talk about Sámi writers in the show 'Met het oog op morgen' (NPO1).
June 2016
- Summerschool Beyond HorizonsTransmitting and Writing New Identities of Minorities and Migrants in Europe, 13 June - 17 June. See:
- 13 June Studio talk in Sportzomer Radio NPO1, Hilversum. Match Ireland - Sweden. Amongst others about Zlatan and Swedish culture.
December 2015
- Petra Broomans: "Aesthetics and Politics in Cultural Transfer History: Case: Henriette Roland Holst - Martha Muusses - Hagar Olsson"
"The Dynamics and Contexts of Cultural Transfers". Second U4 workshop Uppsala 3-4 December 2015
See also:
August 2015
- Petra Broomans has been awarded a scholarship (SEK 10.000,-) by the Swedish Institute (Stockholm) for a stay at the Södertörn University and to examine the records in the Royal Library in Stockholm. In August she collaborated with the designers and editors of the Svenskt översättarlexikon (The Swedish Translator Lexicon, SÖL) at Södertörn University to investigate the possibilities for developing a Dutch Translator Lexicon.
May 2015
- Petra Broomans has been awarded an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 scholarship and is now a LOTUS2 Scholarship holder. She will stay one month at the Sichuan University (China) to develop collaboration within the field of cultural transfer studies, translation studies and European languages and cultures together with colleagues at the Sichuan University.
The LOTUS 2 project is funded by the European Commission and awards scholarships to excellent researchers from Asia and Europe to complete an exchange at one of nine universities in Europe or one of seven universities in South Asia.
February 2015
- Summerschool Beyond HorizonsTransmitting and Writing New Identities of Minorities and Migrants in Europe, 21 June - 26 June.
see: 2015/beyond-horizons-identities/
January 2015
- Petra Broomans is now member of the Advisory Board of FILLM Studies in Languages and Literatures (John Benjamins Publishing Company),
August 2014
- Conversation on Convention of Moss 14 August 1814, peace between Norway and Sweden in Met het oog op Morgen,
- Petra Broomans was appointed as the new president of the International Organisation of Scandinavian Studies (IASS) on the General Meeting during the 30th biennial conference of IASS at the University of Agder (Kristiansand, Norway) 5-9 August 2014.The theme of this international conference was 'Litteratur inter artes'. In the key note lectures and the sessions the theme was examined by scholars from Scandinavia and from outside Scandinavia.
IASS is the largest international organization in the field of the academic study of Scandinavian cultures and literature. The first conference was held in 1956. In 2016 Groningen will host the 31th conference. The conference theme is 'Transit Norden och Europa'.
June 2014
- In June Petra Broomans and Ester Sjölin traveled China: Chengdu, Leshan, Jingdehzen, Ningbo and Shanghai. Visiting three universities (in Chengdu, Leshan and Ningbo) with excellent departments in the field of translation studies, cultural transfer and English language and literature. In Jingdehzen we visited a.o. the kilns where porcelain is produced for more than 1700 years.
April 2014
- Research grant NWO Alfa -Meerwaarde project Gedeelde literatuur: Cultuuroverdracht door leesgroepen (Shared Literature: Cultural transfer through Reading Groups), principal applicant: Sandra van Voorst, co-applicants Petra Broomans and Jeanette den Toonder) see for more information
let/news/wo-alfa-meerwaarde-subsidie (in Dutch)
- April 5, Book presentation in Amsterdam: The Swedes and the Dutch were made for each other - 400 years of Swedish-Dutch relations!
February 2014
Book presentation and poetry reading in Poêziecentrum in Ghent (Belgium)
December 2013
New book:
- Zweedse en Zweedstalige Finse auteurs in Nederlandse vertaling 1491-2007. Een bibliografie / Svenska och finlandssvenska författare i nederländsk översättning. En bibliografi vol 6 in the series Studies on Cultural Transfer and Transmission (CTaT), Barkhuis Publishing, Groningen, 2013, VII, 339 pp.
November 2013
Moderator vertaalatelier literair vertalen Zweeds-Nederlands, Expertise Centrum Literair Vertalen, Antwerp, 4-5 November 2013.
October 2013
Petra Broomans was appointed visiting professor (honorary) to Ghent University 1 th October
June 2013
Petra Broomans got her BasisKwalificatie Onderwijs /Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO) - certificate!
New book:
- Noorse auteurs in Nederlandse vertaling 1741-2012. Een bibliografie - Norske forfattere oversatt til nederlandsk 1741-2012. En bibliografi. Raf De Saeger. Onder redactie van / under redaksjon av Petra Broomans & Janke Klok. vol 5 in the series Studies on Cultural Transfer and Transmission (CTaT), Barkhuis Publishing, Groningen, 2013, 309 pp.
June 25th Els Biesemans got her PhD from the University of Ghent with the thesis Vertalers van Scandinavische literatuur naar het Nederlands tussen 1860 en 1940. Ghent 2013 (project: 'The reception of Scandinavian Literature in The Netherlands and Flanders 1860-1940. A Comparative Analysis of the Role of Networks and of the Impact of the Ethnolinguistic Discourse').
May 2013
About the riots in Stockholm :
(Some quotes were not mine and it was not me biking in shorts, a little mistake of the reporter...)
March 2013
March 14th Ester Jiresch got her PhD from the University of Groningen with the thesis Im Netzwerk der Kulturvermittlung. Sechs Autorinnen und ihre Bedeutung für die Verbreitung skandinavischer Literatur und Kultur in West- und Mitteleuropa um 1900
(project Scandinavian Literature in Europe around 1900: the Influence of Language Politics, Gender and Aesthetics).
January 2013
Grant for ´Traveling Ideas in the Nineteenth Century´.
Petra Broomans and Janke Klok were awarded a grant of DKK 55.000 by the Nordic Council ( Samarbejdsnævnet for Nordenundervisning i udlandet (SNU)) for the project´Ideer på reisefot. 1800-tallets utveksling av vitenskap og kultur mellom Norden og Europa - nordiske forfattere og tenkere i europeisk perspektiv´. In December 2013 a symposium will be organized about this theme.
December 2012
New book!
Petra Broomans and Sandra van Voorst (Eds.), Karina Smits (Assistant Ed.), Rethinking Cultural Transfer and Transmission. Reflections and New Perspectives, vol 4 in the series Studies on Cultural Transfer and Transmission (CTaT), Barkhuis Publishing, Groningen, 2012, 169 pp.
August 2012
Petra Broomans was appointed secretary of the board of the International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS)
For those who understand Russian:
June 2012
27 June - Some words about Swedish crime fiction - Mankell paved the way for Larsson!
7 June - Lecture 'Kreativa lösningar och missade chanser. Hur överlever den akademiska skandinavistiken i världen?' University of Lund
See also:
March 2012
Petra Broomans and Ester Jiresch (eds.), The Invasion of Books in Peripheral Literary Fields. Transmitting Preferences and Images in Media, Networks and Translation vol 3 in the series Studies on Cultural Transfer and Transmission (CTaT), Barkhuis Publishing, Groningen, 2011, 237 pp.
December 2011
The Department of Scandinavian Studies (applicant Petra Broomans) was awarded a grant of SEK 50.000,- from the Swedish Institute for the organization of activities within the framework of the STRINDBERG 2012 anniversary.
More information will follow.
November 2011
Petra Broomans was appointed Visiting Professor to Ghent University (Scandinavian Studies)
October 2011
On 6 October Tomas Tranströmer was awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Literature. Petra Broomans comments on Belgium TV and Radio:
May 2011
Adams appel - Petra Broomans on women cultural transmitters
See for the whole program:
About Women and Science. The third item is on women cultural transmitters.
April 2011
April 9
'Introducing the city': Alison Bowden (Edinburgh) and Petra Broomans (Stockholm). The programme is presented by Cees Grimbergen
Petra Broomans: 'Schaamteloos moorden: Stockholm in de letteren'
Februari 2011
25 years since the murder of Olof Palme
December 2010
Petra Broomans and Marta Ronne (eds.), In the Vanguard of Cultural Transfer. Cultural Transmitters and Authors in Peripheral Literary Fields.
November 2010
November 19
Biography on Amy van Marken, see:
nieuwsartikelen/20101119_BiografieAmyVanMarken November 24-25-26:
Conference 'Skandinavistdagarna':
November 24: Literary Polar Night:
November 25: Closing conference 'Peripheral Autonomy?'-project
November 5-6:
FP7 Consortium Workshop - The Evolving Concept of Borders: 5th -6th November 2010, Greifswald
October 2010
October 28:
Lecture: 'Vulgar or dangerous? The Hangman of Pär Lagerkvist: Deconstructing a myth in reception history'
Text, Transmission, Reception. A multidisciplinary conference at Radboud University Nijmegen - October 28-29.
October 25
Comments on the shootings in Malmö
September 2010
September 10: Radio Programme 'Met het oog op morgen'.
Henk van der Liet and Petra Broomans are discussing immigrant politics in Denmark and Sweden at the end of the programme (the last 12 minutes)
August 2010
Between 2 and 7 August 2010, the 28th conference of the International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS) took place at the University of Lund, Sweden. IASS is the largest international organization in the field of the academic study of Scandinavian cultures and literature. The theme of this international conference was 'Translation - Adaptation, Interpretation, Transformation' and with varying approaches the translation process in the broadest sense of the word was examined in about 200 sessions. During the Annual General Meeting, traditionally held during this conference, Dr Petra Broomans was nominated and then appointed board member of IASS. Petra Broomans then proposed the University of Groningen as a candidate for the 31st IASS conference, in 2016. The last time an IASS conference was held in a Dutch-speaking country was in 1960. The next IASS conferences will be organized by Latvijas Universitāte in Riga (Letland, 2010) and Universitetet I Agder in Kristiansand (Norway, 2014).
June 2010
June 17: New Nuclear Reactors in Sweden?
'Svensk litteratur 2010: stora berättelser, bovar och manifest', Scandinavisch vertaalsymposium, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Lecture on 2 June.
May 2010
'Drottningen är död. Länge leve hennes klänning! Undersökningen av drottning Kristinas av Sverige kvarlevor och begravningsdräkt', Dag Hammarskjöld Vorlesungen, Humboldt Universität, Berlijn, Lecture on 31 May.
January 2010
Petra Broomans was awarded a grant of SEK 10.000,- from the Swedish Institute for a short visit stay in Stockholm. She will work at the Royal Library and give a lecture about the bibliography of translations of Swedish books into Dutch (Broomans, Groen and Kroon, 'Zweedse Literatuur in Nederland en Vlaanderen en supplement Fins - Zweeds in vertaling) at the Department of Baltic Languages, Finnish and German (the Dutch section) on May 11 2010.
December 2009
New series: Studies on Cultural Transfer and Transmission (CTaT), published by Barkhuis Publishing, series editor: Petra Broomans.
November 26 2009
Het visitekaartje van Zweden. Zes maanden EU-voorzitterschap
Lezing voor de Scandinavisceh Vereniging Groningen:
September 30 2009
Sweden manifestation in Hengelo:
See also:
Juni 2009
A conversation about Sweden:
December 2008
November 2008
Was launched in November 2008!
Symposium Cultural Transfer and Minor Language Areas very successful!
See the programme:
March 2008
IKEA and the Danes!
February 2008
Grant for Cultural Transfer and Minor Language Areas
Petra Broomans and Janke Klok were awarded a grant of DKK 50.000 by the Nordic Council for the project Cultural Transfer and Minor Language Areas. In November 2008 a symposium will be organized about this theme. Part of the project is a cultural event about the Norwegian poet O.H. Hauge.
January 2008
In Groningen Roald van Elswijk (1974) is appointed to the project 'The reception of Scandinavian Literature in The Netherlands and Flanders 1860-1940. A Comparative Analysis of the Role of Networks and of the Impact of the Ethnolinguistic Discourse'. He currently writes a Ph.D. on "The image of 'the Other/Self' and the discourse on national identity in reception documents", by means of a content analysis of both reception documents and ego documents. More specifically, Roald van Elswijk will analyse the discourse about cultural and national identity in these documents.
September 2008
Dr. P. (Petra) Broomans (Scandinavian Languages and Cultures) was awarded a grant of € 160,000 by the Flemish-Dutch Committee (VNC) of NWO for the research proposal 'The reception of Scandinavian Literature in The Netherlands and Flanders 1860-1940. A Comparative Analysis of the Role of Networks and of the Impact of the Ethnolinguistic Discourse'. This application was submitted together with the sister department of the University of Ghent. Prof. G. (Godelieve) Laureys, the co-applicant, received the same amount. This research programme will examine two aspects in detail, each as a sub-project. The first sub-project, 'Scandinavian networks in the Netherlands and Flanders', will be conducted by a research assistant in Ghent and consists of a microanalysis of the relevant networks. The second sub-project, 'The perception of the "other/self" and the discourse about national identity in reception documents', which will be conducted in Groningen, consists of a microanalysis of reception texts. Senior researchers from the Netherlands and Flanders are also involved in the project. The PhD student in Groningen is the second to be appointed to conduct research within P. Broomans' research line 'Scandinavian Literature in Europe around 1900: the Influence of Language Politics, Gender and Aesthetics'. Ms E. Jiresch was appointed to this project in 2005.