

- (together with Jeanette den Toonder) "Cultural Transfer and Ecoliterature". Connecting Cultures: Sustainability, Travel, Translation & Migration: ENLIGHT BIP Course. 15/03/2024 -  21/06/2024, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, 23-04-2024 (ONLINE)

- "Travel Writing, Cultural Transfer and Performativity: Mary Wollstonecraft's Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark (1796)". Cultural Transfer: Transnational seminar, 29/09/2023 - 14/06/2024, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, 03-05-2024.

- "Fanny Mendelssohn (1805-1847). A pioneering and productive, yet 'unsung' composer". Voices of Women. VOW Multiplier Event Weimar 2024: Lied compositions by women composers in the context of social and political conditions. Hochschule für Musik FRANZ LISZT, 10-12 Appril, Weimar, Thuringia, Germany, 11-04-2024.


-"A meta-historical reading of Pauline Viardot's image in Orland Figes' The Europeans: three lives and the making of a cosmopolitan culture (2019)". Voices of Women. Listening to the unknown: Training activity. Erasmus + project, 22-23 November, Tromsø, Norway, 23-11-2023.

- "Silenced trauma in Stolen (2021) by Ann-Helén laestadius: A narrative on conflicts between the Sámi and representatives of the majority". 29TH FILLM & 33RD WALS CONGRESS, 23-26 October, Accra, Ghana, 24-10-2023.

- "The Role of Literary (Translation) Prizes in Celebrating Minority Literature. Case: the Sámi". Literary Prize Culture in the Nordic Countries: Prizes as Engines of Comparison,  Ludwig Maximilian University, 5-7 October, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, 07-10-2023.

- "'And the Winner is...' The Importance of Literary Prizes in the Process of Cultural Transfer". Mapping Norwegian World Literature: Kick-off seminar for the project 'MAP - Made Abroad', National Library, 5-6 September, Oslo, Norway (keynote speaker), 05-09-2023.

- "The importance of literary translation prizes in the process of cultural mediation". International symposium on diversity in the transnational circulation of Dutch Language Literature, University of Stockholm, 24-26 August, Sweden, 24-08-2023.

- "Att skriva fram den förlorade andra identiteten genom ilska och skratt i Mats Jonssons När vi var samer (2021)". The International Association for Scandinavian Studies (IASS) 34th conference, Health and Happiness in Nordic Literature and Culture, UiT - Norges arktiske universitet, 2-5 August, Tromsø, Norway, 04-08-2023

- After talk with choreographer Elle Sofe Sara, dansperformance Vástádus eana - The answer is land, Julidans, Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, 06-07-2023


"Women Voices in the History of Argentine Tango. Cultural Transfer". Voices of Women: Materialities, Cultural Transfer, and Musical Authorship: VOW Erasmus+ Educational Symposium for researchers, music educators, and graduate music students. University of Groningen, 1 - 2 December, 01-12-2023

- "The Forgotten Agency of Women Cultural Transmitters & Composers", Training Project Voices of Women (VOW), Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in Higher Education, University of Stavanger, 23-24 June,  23-06-2022

"The Digital Dutch Translators' Dictionary (VNLex): Inspiring New Material and Intriguing Unsolved Questions". Inaugural conference of the History and Translation Network: An open network of scholars with an interest in history and translation. University of Tallinn, 25 - 28 May 2022, 27-05-2022.

-"The transfer of the open-air museum from Scandinavia to the Netherlands". Museums as Spaces of Cultural Translation and Transfer. Enlight conference in collaboration with the U4Society research network. University of Tartu, 10 - 11 May 2022, 11-05-2022

- "A lost heritage. Writing back in (non)fiction by Swedish writers with Sámi roots". Colloque international. Usages du Nord dans la communication politique. La construction du Nord et du Sud à la croisée entre champ politique et culturel en Europe (XIX - XXIe siècles), Laboratoire Mondes germaniques et nord-européens, Université de Strasbourg, 31 mars - 1 avril 2022, 31-03-2022.

- "'Flair'och flit, snille och smak. Om hur en översättare bör vara". Oversettelse og oversettere gjennom historien, Oslo 24. og 25. januar 2022, 24-01-2022 - ONLINE VIA ZOOM.


- "Reflection on /theory about the importance of translator lexicons for the study of cultural transfer and translation", Symposium Vertalerslexicon voor het Nederlandstalig gebied, University of Groningen, 4 November 2021, Groningen, 4-11-2021.

- 'Sámi Literature: Literary Representation of Language Loss and Revitalization. Readings of fragments of Linnea Axelsson's Ædnan. Epos (2018)', Summer School Beyond Horizons - Migrant and Minority Literature: Transmitting and Writing New Identities, University of Groningen, 16-08-2021 - ONLINE VIA ZOOM

- 'Minne, trauma och historia i Linnea Axelssons Ædnan. Epos (2018)', IASS XXXIII - MEMORY CULTURE IN SCANDINAVIAN STUDIES, Vilnius University, 06-08-2021 - ONLINE VIA ZOOM

- Chair of the session on Literary and Linguistic Diversity at the XXVIII FILLM Congress Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Diversity in a Global Perspective. 19-21 July, Vienna, 21-07-2021.

- 'The Forgotten Agency of Women Cultural Transmitters in Historical Perspective'. Course: "Nordics and the World: Cultural Encounters and Political Transfers", University of Helsinki, 11-02-2021 - ONLINE VIA ZOOM


- 'Migration and loss of identity in Linnea Axelsson's Ædnan. Epos (2018)', KREAS workshop Northern Europe, Migration and the Questions of Identity. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 05-06 March, Prague, 05-03-2020, see: https://kreas.ff.cuni.cz/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Workshop-03_2020_plak%C3%A1t.pdf

- 'Att forska i kulturförmedlingens historia: om översättare och forskare", Department of Literature / Faculty of Arts, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 30-01-2020, Doctor Honoris Causa lecture, see https://www.littvet.uu.se/calendar/event/?eventId=50114


- 'The Multifaceted Objects/Subjects in Cultural Transfer History', Translation and cultural transfer PhD-seminar, Ghent-Brussels, June 11-13, 2019, Ghent, 11-06-2019.

- 'Tools in cultural transfer research: translation bibliographies and translators' dictionaries'' , Translation and cultural transfer PhD-seminar, Ghent-Brussels, June 11-13, 2019, Brussels, 12-06-2019.

- 'Folklore and ethnic elements in Scandinavian classical ballet and modern dance: tradition and renewal.' Conference "Folklore in Music, Ballads and Dance" 24-29 May 2019, University of Bologna, Rimini, Italy, 28-05-2019.

- 'Cultural Transfer as Performative Act in Mary Wollstonecraft's Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark (1796). Or Thinking about Travelling Ideas via Cultural Transfer', U4 Workshop Concepts and Tools in Cultural Transfer Research. Case: Travel Writing, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany, 17-05-2019.

- 'Cultural Transfer and Ethnic Minorities. The Sámi Case / Mediación cultural y minorias étnica. El caso Sámi', Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco, Chile, 17-01-2019.


- 'Migration och misslyckad 'cultural hybridity'. Sameblod, en film av Amanda Kernell och Lars Pettersons kriminalroman Kautokeino, en blodig kniv'. KREAS WORKSHOP 'NORTHERN EUROPE AND TRANSNATIONAL RECEPTION OF ARTS AND LITERATURE, Charles University, Prague, 26-11-2018, see https://www.ff.cuni.cz/event/workshop-northern-europe-transnational-reception-arts-literature/

- 'Internal Migration and Destructive Ethnopolitical Self-fashioning in Sami Blood [identity]', FILM AND MIGRATION CONGRESO CINE Y CRISIS EN EL MEDITERRÁNEO, Valencia, 22 - 26 October, Valencia, Spain, 24-10-2018

- 'Thinking about Travelling Ideas via Cultural Transfer. A Proposal for a Theoretical & Methodogical Framework', The Princesses' Library. Workshop in Berlin 18-19 October 2018, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, 18-10-2018.

- 'Literary Awards and Literary Translation Prizes - "Nonsense and Sense"', Theme Group 'Beyond Horizons in Cultural Transfer Studies' (Arts in Society), 26-09-2018, Groningen, 26-09-2018.

- 'Utifrån- och inifrånberättelser om samernas plats och etnicitet i det svenska samhället', IASS XXXII Conference "Scandinavian Exceptionalisms", 7-10 August 2018, Copenhagen, 10-08-2018.

- 'Views on Translated and non-translated "World Literature" since 1945. Case study of China, Netherlands and Sweden.' The Contribution of Learned Societies to the Humanities: Past, Present, and Future A symposium to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures (FILLM) Held at the University of Vienna, 13 July 2018, Austria, 13-07-2018

- 'The Role of the Collecting Princesses and Cultural Transmitters in the Transfer of Ideas', The Princesses' Library. A Workshop in Berlin 17-19 May 2018, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, 18-05-2018.

- 'The mediating narratives of crime fiction and juvenile literature on Sámi history and language politics', Interfacing Minorities: Creative Hybridity and Unexpected Environments, Åbo Akademi University, Åbo Akademi Minority Research Profile & Coimbra Group Interdisciplinary Conference, Åbo Akademien, Finland, 8-9 March, 09-03-2018.


- 'Dacia Maraini in Scandinavia and in the Dutch speaking area: what was translated and by whom.' LE TANTE TRADUZIONI DELL'OPERA DI DACIA MARAINI. THE MANY TRANSLATIONS OF THE WORK OF DACIA MARAINI. Symposium on the occasion of the writer's 80th birthday and many years of work in the fields of Italian literature, theatre, culture and politics. Rome, 14-15 October, Forum Austriaco di Cultura, 15-10-2017.

- 'The Fascination for Scandinavian Folklore in the Netherlands'. Conference 'Influence from Fairytales and other Folklore Genres on European Poetic, Novelistic and Dramatic Productions - Folklore in Music, Ballads and Dance - 17th- and 18th-Century Comedies: Affinities and Contrasts. University of Bologna, 26-31 August, Rimini, 27-08-2017.

- NEWW VRE and Intermediaries: the case of Philippine Wijsman', NIAS Workshop 'Women Writers in History: National and Transnational Approaches, NIAS, 14-15 June, Amsterdam, 14-06-2017.

- Member of the panel. Round Table: Die internationale Vernetzung von Übersetzerlexika-Projekten. Stand und Perspektiven LARS KLEBERG, WOLFGANG PÖCKL, HANS PETER NEUREUTER, FARUK YÜCEL, PETRA BROOMANS. Fünftes Germersheimer Symposium Übersetzen und Literatur „Wie ist das übersetzt?" Analyse und Beschreibung des translatorischen Œuvres. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Fachbereich Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft, Germersheim, 16-18 June, Germersheim, 16-06-2017.

- Chair of the session on China at the XXVII FILLM Congress The Familiar and the Exotic in Language and Literature: the Politics of Perception and Representation. 15-17 March, New Dehli, 15-03-2017.


- Member of the panel on translation bibliographies and digital humanities. Royal Library, Stockholm, 08-11-2016, see: http://www.kb.se/aktuellt/evenemang/2016/Bibliografiernas-plats-i-det-digitala-medielandskapet/

- 'Lost in the history of theory. Forgotten cultural transfer scholars'. Third U4 workshop Cultural Transfer Research, 'Whose side are you on? Border crossings, rites of passage, and liminal experiences in literature', 27-28 October, Ghent University, 27-10-2016.

- 'Forskningsfältet kulturförmedling. Teori, metodik, historik' (key note), Litteraturförmedling från romanska språk. Workshop om teori och metod, Stockholm University, 14-10-2016.

- 'Sami writers in Scandinavia', LOTUS-lecture, European Study Centre, Sichuan University, 28-09-2016.

- 'The translators' dictionaries in Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Norway', LOTUS-lecture, College of Foreign Languages, Sichuan University, 21-09-2016.

- 'Het belang van de cultuurbemiddeling', Eerste lezing van de cyclus 'Tussen feit en fictie - onderzoek en literatuur', Literair Dispuut Flanor, Groningen, 19-04-2016.


- 'Aesthetics and Politics in Cultural Transfer History: Case: Henriette Roland Holst - Martha Muusses - Hagar Olsson', The Dynamics and Contexts of Cultural Transfers. Second U4 workshop Uppsala 3-4 December 2015, Uppsala, 03-12-2015.

- 'Tankar och redskap kring utvecklingen av ett nederländskt översättarlexikon', Åpent seminar: Norsk oversetterleksikon. Norsk Oversetterforening og Universitet i Oslo (Traveling Texts/Seminar for oversettelse), 9 October 2015, Oslo, 09-10-2015.

- Participant in Roundtable discussion 2 (English): International projects on the circulation of literature, International conference An International Network Studying the Circulation of Dutch Literature (CODL), Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands, The Hague / Den Haag, 28, 29 and 30 May 2015, 30-05-2015.

- 'Voorspelling - Noodlot - Ordening'. De Edda's - Lezingenserie Great Poems, University of Ghent, 10-03-2015.


- "Thoughts, Tools and Concepts', Concepts and Tools in Cultural Transfer Research U4 workshop Groningen 11-12 December 2014, Groningen, 12-12-2014.

- 'Changing Concepts: Minorities and Migrants. Cases: Alejandro Leiva Wenger and Ann-Helén Laestadius', Worlds colliding: National & immigrant minority experience in documentary film & literature, University of Groningen, Groningen, 9 December 2014.Groningen, 9-12-2014.

- 'Saga DNA in Contemporary Nordic Literature according to Dutch Literary Critics', Conference 'Northern Myths, Modern Identities: The Nationalization of Mythologies in Northern Europe 1800-2014' University of Groningen 27-28 November 201, Groningen, 27-11-2014.

- 'Thoughts and tools. Towards a biobliographical lexicon on cultural transmitters', Drittes germersheimer symposium. Übersetzen und literatur. Das Germersheimer Übersetzerlexikon - Mikro- und Makrostruktur. Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Fachbereich Translation-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft, Germersheim 14-16 November 2014, Germersheim, 16-11-2014.

- 'Being between borders. The position of the cultural transmitter in transnational literary history', Cultural transfer reconsidered - Center - Periphery relations and the objects of analysis, Aarhus University 29-31 October 2014, Aarhus, 29-10-2014.

- ´Pure Poetry: A Study on Transmitted Images of Inuit Culture in the Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies in the Early Twentieth Century´, XXVI International Congress of the FILLM, University of Nottingham Ningbo China 17-19 June 2014, Ningbo 17-06-201.4

- ´The Importance of Translation and Cultural Transmitters´, Lecture at Teacher's College (Leshan Normal University), Leshan, 11-06-2014.

- ´The Importance of Translation, Cultural Transmitters and Cultural Institutions. Three Cases: August Strindberg, Edith Södergran, Tomas Tranströmer, Lecture at College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 09-06-2014.

- ´The Invisible Mediating Power of translation: A Possible Topic in Transnational Literary History. Henriette Roland Holst - Martha Muusses - Hagar Olsson´, Mediating Translation in Europe. From the Early Modern Period to the 20th Century: Translation Studies and Transnational Literary Historiography, Conference 20-21 May 2014, Ghent University, 21-05-2014


- ´Towards a Polyvoiced Cultural Transfer and Transmission History´, The transnational 19th century. Reinterpreting literary history from new perspectives of reception and transmission. Workshop 12-13 December 2013, University of Gothenborg, 12-12-2013.

- ´Pareltjes en andere verrassingen. Over het belang van vertaalbibliografieën voor het cultural transfer onderzoek´, Département de Langues et littératures modernes > Service de néerlandais, Université de Liège, 10-12-2013.

- ´'The Lady and the Lion'. Wendela Hebbe, Hendrik Conscience and the literary climate in Sweden´, Symposium Travelling Ideas in the Long Nineteenth Century, University of Groningen, 03-12-2013.

-´Over De leeuw. Vertalen, vertellen en verplaatsen in taal, tijd en plaats´, first workshop of the internationalization project Circulation of Dutch Literature (CODL), Rome, 21-11-2013.

- ´´Literatuursociologie: een veld in beweging. En waarover schrijft de recensent, wat vertaalt de vertaler?´, Department of Dutch Studies. Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, 13-11-2013,

- ´De leeuw van Vlaanderen als non-vertaling. Over cultuurbemidelaars en het literaire klimaat in Zweden rond 1950´, Mini workshop Hendrik Conscience, Department of Dutch Studies. Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, 08-11-2013,

- ´Transnational Romanticism: Hendrik Conscience and Johan Ludvig Runeberg´ University of Bologna, Conference ´Literature as an Expression of Crosscurrents in European Culture 1700-2000´, Rimini 3-7 September, 02-09-2013

- ´Virtual things. Lost and found material in cultural transfer studies´ , Ding, ding, ting : Objets médiateurs de culture. Espaces germanophone, néerlandophone et nordique. Colloque international Paris 11-13 avril 2013, Paris-Sorbonne, 12-04-2013.


- ´Red Rooms and Dreams. Strindberg in the Low Countries in the Twentieth Century´, Strindberg in Transition, Symposium ´Strindberg 2012´, University of Groningen, Scandinavian Studies, Groningen, 11-12-2012.

-´De Leeuw van Vlaanderen in het Noorden. Wel in het Noors, maar niet in het Zweeds vertaald. Een typisch geval van etnolinguïstisch nationalisme?´, Conscience 200, Koninklijke Academie voor Taal- en Letterkunde (KANTL) en het Centrum voor Receptie Studie (CERES), 3-4 December, Antwerp/Brussels, 04-12-2012.

- ´Tomas Tranströmer. De wereld en ik, en alles daartussen - ik. Ik en de wereld´, Spraakmakende boeken 2012 -2013, University of Groningen, 22-11-2012.

- ´Några tankar om kulturförmedlingens SMS´, University of Ghent, 15-10-2012.

- ´Ambiguous irony and political engagement. Decisions and positions of minority writers´, DINO Conference "Ambiguities, Alterations, Alternatives - transforming Nordic literatures", 4−6 October 2012, Uppsala university, Uppsala, Sweden, 06-10-2012.

- "Oh, la poesía!" Artur Lundkvist´s Encounters with South-American Authors´, University of Bologna, Conference ´North and South: European Artistic and Literary Connections´, Rimini 3-7 September, 04-09-2012

- ´Tolkning av ett mord, tolkning av en roman. Kerstin Ekmans Mordets praktik´, The 29e Study Conference of the IASS. ´Literature and Law, Riga/Daugavpils (Latvia), August 7-11, 11-08-2012.

- 'Kreativa lösningar och missade chanser. Hur överlever den akademiska skandinavistiken i världen?',Scandinavian Spaces: Memory-Art-Identity, 7-9 juni, Lunds universitet, 07-06-2012

- ´Minderheiten und Kulturtransfer im (trans)nationalen Raum´, University of Vienna, 23-04-2012


- ´Gender and Cultural Transmission´, Workshop Joint Degree Gender Studies: International Teaching and Research Perspectives, 10 December 2011 Bochum, 10-12-2011.

-´ The Meänkieli-case. A melting pot in the North´, The Low Countries Conference 2011. Translation and National Images. Antwerp and Amsterdam, 16-17-18 November 2011, 16-11-2011.

- ´In de vaart der kleine volkeren. Over meeliftende cultuurbemiddelaars Scandinavië-Nederland v.v.´, Internationale Fachtagung, Institut für Niederlandistik, Oldenburg, 23-24 September 2011, ´Profiter selon ses besoins avec ce household common sense´. Die Rezeption ausländischer Literatur in den Niederlanden und Flandern seit 1700, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, 23-09-2011.

- ´Awards and networks. A secret formula for the canonization of a cultural transmitter? On Swedish women´s literature in Dutch translation´, Seminar Scandinavia within the European context: Women's contributions to European literary culture before World War I (COST action IS0901 "Women Writers in History. Toward a New Understanding of European Literary Culture"), University of Oslo, Oslo, 19-09-2011.

- '"Poësie Pure" and False Tones. Images of Inuit Culture in the Netherlands in the Early Twentieth Century', Scandinavian Polarities: Scandinavia, the North and the Polar Regions, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 24-06-2011.

- 'Kulturförmedling och minoritetspråk: gränser och broar', Forskarseminarium Lund-Ghent, 5-6 May, Ghent, 05-05-2011.

- 'Schaamteloos moorden: Stockholm in de letteren', City2Cities, Utrecht, 09-04-2011


- 'Peripheries and Borders. Outcomes and Perspectives', Closing Conference ´Peripheral Autonomy-project', Survival strategies for minor languages: language, literature and transmission, Groningen, 25-11-2010.

- 'Vulgar or dangerous? The Hangman of Pär Lagerkvist: Deconstructing a myth in reception history'. Text, Transmission, Reception. A multidisciplinary conference at Radboud University Nijmegen - October 28-29, Nijmegen, 28-10-2010.

- 'Jungle City. Cruelty and Compassion in Pär Lagerkvist's The Hangman 1933)', Conference "Literary Cities and Literary Circles in Europe" 29 August - 3 September, Rimini, 30-08-2010.

- "Böckernas gynaeceum". Betydelse av bibliografier av översatt skönlitteratur för receptionsforskning. IASS 28th Study Conference:TRANSLATION − ADAPTION, INTERPRETATION, TRANSFORMATION, 3 − 7 August 2010, University of Lund, 05-08-2010.

- 'Svensk litteratur 2010: stora berättelser, bovar och manifest', Scandinavisch vertaalsymposium, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 02-06-2010.

- 'Drottningen är död. Länge leve hennes klänning! Undersökningen av drottning Kristinas av Sverige kvarlevor och begravningsdräkt', Dag Hammarskjöld Vorlesungen, Humboldt Universität, Berlijn, 31-05-2010.

- 'Zweedse literatuur in Nederlandse vertaling van 1900 tot heden. Bibliografieën als basismateriaal voor receptieonderzoek', Afdeling Nederlands (Department of Baltic Languages, Finnish and German), Universiteit van Stockholm, 11-05-2010.


- 'Killing or building the Canon. Cultural Transfer and the Survival of Minor language Communities', DINO-Diversity in Nordic Literature, Tvärminne biologiska forskningsstation (Finland), 02-10-2009.

- 'Het visitekaartje van Zweden. Zes maanden EU-voorzitterschap', Huis voor Europa Twente, Hengelo, 30-09-2009.

- 'Artur Lundkvist on the Road. Visiting Cities and hunting Nobel Prize Candidates', Conference on European Literary Cities and Literary Circles. Meeting/Melting Places for Travelling Authors and Different Languages in the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries till the Present, University of Bologna, Rimini, 31-08-2009.

-"The Queen is Dead. Long live her Dress!. The Investigation of the Remains and Burial Costume of Queen Christina of Sweden", Workshop on 'Gender and Materiality', Groningen, 12-06-2009.


- "Literary Fields: Battles and Borders", Symposium Cultural Transfer and Minor Language Areas, Groningen, 05-11-2008.

- "Litterära regioner. Kanonforskningens gränser", Seminarium om kanonforskning, SLS/Litteraturvetenskapliga nämnden, Helsingfors, 17-10-2008.

- "Lost translations and lost reviews, the grey zones in cultural transfer", Workshop: 'The Invasion of Books'. The Influence of Foreign Literature on Small Language Communities 1950-present day, Uppsala, 01-10-2008.

-"A Haven of Love? Artur Lundkvist and Stina Aronson in Paris, 1930", Conference on European Literary Cities and Literary Circles. Meeting/Melting Places for Travelling Authors and Different Languages in the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries till the Present, University of Bologna, Rimini, 01-09-2008.

- "'Vulcanisch wild' en andere variaties op Strindbreg. Receptie en ideologie", Groningen, 20-02-2008.


- "Margaretha Meyboom's quest for good quality Nordic literature - and its outcome", Workshop: The Development of Literary Fields and the Influence of Foreign Literature from the Late Nineteenth Century until 1950, Groningen, 06-12-2007.

- "Ingmar Bergman: Smultronstället (1957). Wild strawberries", Inleiding bij Filmklassiekers. Images, Groningen, 29-10-2007.

- "Alone in the City. Dutch Writers in Gothenburg and Stockholm in the Nineteenth Cemtury", Conference on European Literary Cities and Literary Circles. Meeting/Melting Places for Travelling Authors and Different Languages in the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries till the Present, University of Bologna, Rimini, 29-05-2007.


- "Introduction: The Phenomenon of the Woman Cultural Transmitter. Developments and Changes", Workshop The Making of a Profession. Women as Cultural Transmitters in the Dutch-speaking region and Scandinavia 1880-1950, Groningen, 06-10-2006.

-"Amy van Marken (1912-1995). Cultuurbemiddelaarster intra en extra muros", Scandinavische Vereniging, Groningen, 20-04-2006, op uitnodiging.

- "'Sköna systrar', 'Schone zuster'. Edith Södergrans röst i Flandern och Nederländerna", Internationellt symposium på Södertörns högskola. "Vad är mitt hemland?" Edith Södergran och Den Nya Kvinnan mellan öst och väst, 08-03-2006.

- "The Phenomenon of the Woman as Cultural Transmitter in Scandinavia and the Dutch-speaking area (1700-1900): Developments and Changes", Meeting Cross-Cultural Mediations and Gender: European Perspectives 1700-1900, Chawton House Library (University of Southampton), 10-03-2006.

- "Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflychts Tåget over Bält. Eller: Öfver en krigisk Sapfo", XXVI Study Conference Gränser i nordisk litteratur, International Association for Scandinavian Studies (IASS), Åbo University, 08-08-2006.

- "Ibsen and Women Cultural Transmitters in Europe around 1900. The inexpressible nature of woman", The 11th International Ibsen Conference in Oslo 2006, Oslo, 22-08-2006

- "Over cultuurbemiddelaars en vertaalkritiek", Antwerpen, 29-08-2006, op uitnodiging.

- "Vertaalkritiek Literair Vertalen uit het Nederlands in het Zweeds", Antwerpen, 29-08-2006.


- "Ethnolinguistic Nationalism and the Reception of Scandinavian Literature; Influences on Cultural Transmission?", GRSSH-workshop: 'Ethnolinguistic nationalism in the Dutch-speaking region and Scandinavia', Groningen, 19-05-2005.

- "Hedendaagse Scandinavische literatuur. Traditie en vernieuwing", Volkshogeschool, Leeuwarden, 26-09-2005, op uitnodiging.


- "Women Translators and Intermediaries and the Image of Ibsen in Europe around 1900", Symposium "Emigrant Literature and Emigrated Authors. The Nordic Countries in A World Perspective", University of Bologna, Rimini, 03-09-2004.

- "Kulturförmedling och kanon", Litteraturens värde. Ett symposium om litteraturens och litteraturvetenskapens bidrag till den kulturella, etiska och samhälleliga utvecklingen - svenska och tyska perspektiv, Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien och Riksbankens jubileumsfond, Stockholm, 28 -11-2004, op uitnodiging.

- "Wilde aardbeien in den vreemde. Literaire bemiddeling in de praktijk", Nederländska avdelningen, Stockholms universitet, Stockholm, 27-04-2005, op uitnodiging.

- "`Hoor zijn stem, zijn woorden.'Runeberg in Nederlandse vertaling 1878-1908", Symposium om Runeberg, Universitetet i Groningen, 14-10-2004.

- "Methodologisch niemandsland of de jungle van het eclecticisme? Over de studie naar cultuurbemiddeling tussen Nederland en Scandinavië", "Object: Nederlandse literatuur in het buitenland. Methode: Onbekend. Vormen van methodologisch onderzoek nar de receptie van literatuur uit het Nederlandse taalgebied", Universiteit Groningen, 29-10-2004.

- "Broker of Liaison.? Cultuurbemiddelaarsters als autonome vrouwen", Center for Genderstudies, Groningen, 05-11-2004, op uitnodiging.


- "Een ware fraaie vervalsing" Lezing over Het bezoek van de lijfarts (1999, Ned. vert. 2000) van Per Olov Enquist, in de serie "Spraakmakende boeken" (negende jaargang), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 30-01-2003, op uitnodiging (de lezing werd voorts gehouden op 20-02-2002 te Delfzijl en op 06-03-2003 in Hoogeveen).

- "Women Transmitters of Culture and the Changing of a Literary Image", Symposium The new Woman & the Aesthetic Opening: Unlocking Gender in Twentieth-Century Texts, Södertörn University College, Stockholm, 11-10-2003.

- "Scandinavische literatuur in Vlaandeen rond 1900", Symposium Van Nu en Straks als gangmaker. Vlaamse tijdschriften in het fin de siècle, Universiteit Gent (Belgien), 30-10-2003.


- "Het internationale netwerk van Scandia (1904) en Scandinavié-Nederland (1905/06)", Universiteit van Amsterdam, 17-05-2002, op uitnodiging.

- "Nordisk litteratur inom det nederländska språkområdet. Ett mångfacetterat forskningsfält", 22e Scandinavistendagen van het Nederlandse Taalgebied, Gent, 18-04-2002, voordracht.

- "Nordisk litteratur i Europa: en litterär provins?", 23-10-2002, Universiteit van Karlstad (Zweden), op uitnodiging.

- "Nordic literature's conquest of Europe around 1900. Brandes, his fellow travellers, power struggles and abandonment", 08-11-2002, George Brandes og Europa. 1. internationale George Brandes konference, Firenze, 7.-9., Firenze, op uitnodiging (http://www.kb.dk/kultur/diamant/arrangementer/index.htm)

- "Scandinavian Literature and the War of Mainstreams", Groningen, 22-11-2002, voordracht op de thematische sessie "Transmission of literature and the changing of a national literary image", The International Conference "Cultural Crises in Art and Literature. Reflection and Reaction"), Groningen, 20-23 November.


- "`In dankbare herinnering'. Margaretha Meyboom (1856-1927), over vertaalsters en tijdschriften", Utrecht, 20-04-2001, op uitnodiging.


- "Scandia i Nederländerna", 21e Scandinavistendagen van het Nederlandse Taalgebied, Amsterdam, 23-03-2000.

- "Traditie en vernieuwing? Over Scandinavische vrouwenliteratuurgeschiedschrijving", Lunchgesprekken 2000, RUG-Centrum voor Genderstudies, Gent, 03-04-2000, op uitnodiging.

- "När börjar en berättelse? Eller när slutar människans språk i Kerstin Ekmans Hunden"", IASS, Norwich, 11-08-2000.

- "Hur skapas en litteraturhistorisk bild? Den nordiska litteraturens "fräschhet" i Nederländerna och Flandern", Sostrup (Denemarken), 30-11-2000, op uitnodiging in kader van het project "Litteraturhistorie i Norden" (Noordse Raad).

- "`Skandinavië, zijn talen en zijn cultuur zijn de vreugde van mijn leven geworden'. Vrouwen als cultuurdragers, van praktijk tot institutie", Groningen, 08-12-2000, op uitnodiging.


- "En litterär delinkvent. Stina Aronson och litteraturhistorikerna", Temadag "Kritik - Kanon - Litteraturhistorieskrivning", Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, Göteborg, 5-06-1998, op uitnodiging.

- "I fadershuset. Om kön och nationell identitet i nordisk litteraturhistorieskrivning", IASS XXII Study Conference, Tórshavn, 8-08-1998, hoofdlezing op uitnodiging.

- "In the name of God and the Father. Scandinavian women's literary history from a meta-literary historical point of view", KNAW Academy Colloquium. Met of zonder lauwerkrans? Writing the history of women's writing, Amsterdam, 10-09-1998, op uitnodiging.


- "Selma Lagerlöf: Gösta Berlings saga", HOVO, Groningen, 5-02-1997, op uitnodiging.

- "Torgny Lindgren: Het licht", HOVO, Groningen, 19-03-1997, op uitnodiging.

- "Har kvinnolitteraturhistoria som genre en framtid?", Nordis­ke kvinners litteratur, Høgskolen i Agder, Kristiansand, 16-06-1997.

- "Att erövra vida världen. Ett nytt paradigm i kvinnolittera­turhistorieskrivning", Groningen, 10-10-1997 (lustrum Scandinavisch instituut).


- "Har kvinnolitteraturhistoria som genre en fram­tid?", Universiteit van Uppsala, 11-06-1996, op uitnodiging. <!--[endif]-->


- "Can any person whose mind has been filled with such stories ever free himself from them?" (Lezing over Selma Lagerlöf en haar debuutroman The Story of Gösta Berling), in de serie Highlights of Scandinavian Culture, Univer­siteit van Amster­dam, 22-02-1995, op uitnodiging.

- "Heeft de Scandinavische vrouwenliteratuurgeschiedenis een geslacht?", derde studiedag van het werkverband Vrouwenstu­dies/Neerlandistiek/Literatuurgeschiedschrijving, Utrecht, 24-03-1995 (coreferent Liesbeth Brouwer).

- "Denken over (vrouwen)literatuurgeschiedenis", in het kader van het "handboekproject" Groningse Genderstudies in Weten­schapshistorisch Perspectief, Werkgroep Vrouwenstudies Lette­ren, Groningen, 19-05-1995.

- "... en verloren zich in een rooskleurige wolk, ver, ver weg, daarginds waar de zee licht." (Lezing over August Strindberg (1849-1912) en zijn eerste roman De Rode Kamer (1879)), HOVO, Groningen, 27-10-1995, op uitnodiging.

- "Kerstin Ekman: Zwart water", in de serie Spraakmakende Boeken - Zes lezingen over literatuur, Groningen, 16-11-1995, op uitnodiging.

- "Kerstin Ekman: Zwart water", HOVO, Groningen, 1-12-1995, op uitnodiging.


- "Har den nordiska kvinnolitteraturhistorien ett kön?", International Association for Scandinavian Studies (IASS), Reykjavík, 11-08-1994.

- "Sången om Passålke. Stina Aronsons litterära provinsialism", seminarium Röster om Stina Aronson, 27-11-1994, Centrum för kvinnoforskning, Uppsala Universitet, op uitnodiging.


- "`De modernistiska kryddorna i soppan'. Recensenter om Stina Aronsons språk. En innehållsanalys", Karlstad, 13-08-1993, voordracht.


- "Stina Aronson (1892-1956). En modernist i provin­sialistisk förklädnad?", 03-08-1992, Budapest, 19.IASS Study Conference International Association for Scandinavian Studies (IASS), voordracht.

- "Stina Aronson, En modernist i provinsialistisk förklädnad", 01-12-1992, Högskolan i Karlstad, seminarium, op uitnodiging.

- "Svensklärare och skandinavist i Nederländerna. Specialist eller generalis­t?", 02-12-1992, Högskolan i Karlstad, voordracht op uitnodiging.


- Intensief Programma The Image of Scandinavia in a transnational Perspective, ERASMUS ICP 90-Nl-0215/09, Gent, 1991, gastdocent, op uitnodiging.