Board Member of the International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS)
Board Member 2010 - 2014
President 2014 - 2016
Secretary 2016 - 2018
Board Member 2018 -
Representative FILLM (The International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures (FILLM) Committee for IASS 2014-2017
Elected Assistant-Secretaries General FILLM Committee March 2017-November 2020
Treasurer FILLM Committee November 2020 -
Referee for academic appointments and research grants; referee and/or opponent of doctoral dissertations:
- University of Groningen/the Netherlands
- University in Leuven/Belgium
- Ghent University/Belgium
- Åbo Akademi University/Finland
- University of Helsinki/ Finland
- Stockholm University/Sweden
- University of Uppsala / Sweden
- The Icelandic Research Fund
- The European Research Council
- The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
NWO commissions:
- In 2009 member of the VIDI-commission I - Innovational Research Incentives Scheme of The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
- In 2010 member of the VIDI-commission (preselection) - Innovational Research Incentives Scheme of The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
- In 2011 chair of the VIDI-commission (preselection) - Innovational Research Incentives Scheme of The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
- In 2012 chair of the VIDI-commission - Innovational Research Incentives Scheme of The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Researctutionh (NWO).
- In 2015 chair of the selection committee Free Competition (Humanities) - The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
- In 2018 member of the selection committee Promotiebeurs voor Leraren (= PhD scholarship for teachers) The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
- In 2024 member of the selection committee Promotiebeurs voor Leraren (= PhD scholarship for teachers) - The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
Member of the Advisory Board TijdSchrift voor Skandinavistiek
Since 2017 Member of the Advisory Board FILLM Studies in Languages and Literatures:
Member of the scientific committee Nordic Journal of Francophone Studies/ Revue nordique des études francophones:
2021-2022: member of the scientific committee for the conference "Museums as Spaces of Cultural Translation and Transfer".in Tartu:
Peer reviews for FILLM Studies in Languages and Literatures - Altre modernità/ Otras modernidades/ Autres modernités/ Other Modernities Universitàdegli Studi di Milano - EDDA Scandinavian Journal of Literary Research - TijdSchrift voor Skandinavistiek - Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies - DI/SEGNI SERIES - The Polish Journal of Aesthetics - Scandinavica. An International Journal of Scandinavian Studies - Samlaren. Tidskrift för forskning om svensk och annan nordisk litteratur - DHBenelux Journal - Uitgeverij Academia Press (UAP) - John Benjamins Publishing - NORDEUROPAforum - European Research Council (ERC) - Kriterium - review and publication of Open Access academic books
Referee for The Dutch Foundation For Literature, The Flemish Literature Fund
In 2010-2011: member of the Board of advice Stockholm: City2Cities (Utrecht)
2020-2021: member of the jury 'Stadsdichter Groningen 2021-2023" (City of Groningen Poet Laureate):
Foundations, centres:
Centre for Gender Studies of the Faculty of Arts (chair of the board; 2005-2020)
Stichting Leonora Christina(chair)
Stichting Scandinavisch Vertaal- en Informatiebureau Nederland (member of the advisory board)
Wilde aardbeien (editor)
Scandinavian Newsletter. A Literary and Cultural Magazine (editor) until 2008
Alumni association SAGA (chair of the board) 2007-2021